My Story

As a child I was always naturally creative, with home videos showing me in a state of blissful joy immersed in a colouring book. However, as happens with many of us, as life began to unfold that was a side of myself which I neglected. The world these days isn’t one in which creativity is necessarily nourished. As children we are encouraged to focus on academia, do our best to get good results, and go on to do further studies. I was someone who fell victim to this system, and all but forgot that inner creative spirit.

Finishing the Leaving Certificate in 2014 with good results left many doors open for me, but I felt lost. Having given so much focus to simply achieving these results I hadn’t spent time contemplating what it was that I actually wanted to do. I became stuck. At this point, not wanting to go to third level just for the sake of going, I decided to take a year out. During this year I learned of the courses which were available through the local adult education centre in Kenmare, and still unsure of what career path was for me, I decided to undertake a course here. In 2015 tossing between Psychology and Art, Craft, & Design, I ultimately opted for the latter, never imagining then what a pivotal decision that would be.

Being surrounded by creatives, and exploring different media which I had never even heard of before, was like a reawakening of my creative self. I felt enjoyment and fulfilment for what felt like the first time in a long while. Fortune would have it that after completing this course, the centre decided to offer their first course in Advanced Art beginning in 2017, and there was no contemplation as to whether I’d sign up. Undertaking this second course allowed me to further develop the skills I had learned during the previous one, as well as develop what my potential voice as an artist or creative might be. 

Completing this course in early 2019, I was back in uncertain territory about what direction my life would take, but I did want it to be a creative one. The fine line between bravery and stupidity was one I straddled later in the year when I registered as a self-employed artist. What timing that was with a global pandemic right around the corner.

However every cloud has a silver lining, and with everyone being kept within the confines of their own homes, my home studio became a haven of exploration, creativity, and ultimately growth. While testing techniques and birthing bowls, I was also trying to create some brand awareness on social media. Much to my delight, it worked, and Cleo’s Gallery Kenmare became the first shop to ever sell my pieces in the summer of 2020. 

Later the same year in December, the opportunity arose to open a pop up shop just in time for Christmas. Though something I hadn’t planned on doing, with a gentle push of encouragement from family I did it, another pivotal decision on my journey. The reaction was beyond anything I could have imagined. I struggled to keep art on the walls and ceramics on the shelves as locals poured into the shop to show their support.

The success of this endeavour gave me a little more belief in myself and my work, so with another push from family, although this time a much heftier one than before, I decided to transform this pop up shop into what is now ‘Fiachra Crowley Artist’ on Henry Street Kenmare. The closure of non-essential retail in early 2021 afforded me the opportunity to renovate the space, and after a few pushbacks due to extended lockdowns, the doors finally opened on the 17th of May 2021.

Since then I have had the privilege of working with an array of clients, including The Park Hotel, Sheen Falls Lodge, and Ballynahinch Castle. Most notable however is my collaboration with Adare Manor for whom I have created a bespoke range which is available exclusively in their Boutique and through their online store.

Artist Statement

Craft is the door to my personal realm of creativity, possibility, and release.

My work is about producing striking pieces, focusing on design and colour as integral components to create beauty through simplicity. I strive to make pieces which have the ability to fit into a simple modern environment, adding an element of intrigue and interest with their striking visual qualities.

Using ceramic as a medium has required me to go through a lot of trial and error, with the technical aspect of the method needing to be well understood in order to achieve the clean finish I strive for. It forces me to focus on every detail throughout the entire process with each step being deliberate and planned.  There have been many tests and troubles, an ongoing process I am still experimenting with to achieve a variety of finishes.

To me creating is like an endless journey. I am only starting out on this long haul trip, and have many more experiments to undertake, ideas to develop, and pieces to create. I cannot wait!